Meet Steve Shives

I'm Stephen Shives, and I am a candidate for Florida State Representative, House District 27.

It is no secret our government needs help, and we need leadership with integrity, good morals, and common sense. I am not a politician. I'm not coming into this race standing on college degrees and polished speeches. I bring my experience as a man that has stayed the course in marriage for over 37 years and a father of two respectable grown children. I maintain a completely debt-free lifestyle and built a nationwide business out of my backyard from $300 and some scrap materials.

I'm fighting for Faith, Family, and Freedom!

Our country's values are under attack. The woke mob will stop at nothing to destroy the core of faith, family, and freedom. We need elected officials who will stand up to them and fight for the values we hold dear. The fact that a small percentage of the population now influences the media, federal, and local governments is a warning sign for us all. I will be a strong advocate for our conservative values and rights! I pledge to protect our rights and fight for values that Americans have embraced for generations. I will work with fellow conservatives to ensure that our voices are heard, and our values are respected. I will not waver in my commitment to preserving the fundamental principles that make our country great.

I'm fighting the Woke Agenda!

The radical woke use sleight-of-hand tactics to indoctrinate our children. The fact that school libraries and classrooms house pornographic materials, that ten years ago would have landed a person in prison, is appalling. This is a clear attempt to indoctrinate our children with a radical sexual agenda. Schools should not be allowed to get away with this type of behavior. We must take action to protect our children from these toxic materials. We must ensure that family values are left to the family and education systems focus on teaching children how to think, not what to think!

I'm fighting for You!

"God bless America, land that I love." We need to rally around these words. We need to unite and not bow down to the attempts of special interest groups to silence our voices. I vow that as your State Representative, I will take my oath of office to heart and fight each day to protect you, your future, and the future of you're children! Let's fight... for what is right!

Join the Fight for What's Right!

By Volunteering your time to the Steve Shives for State Representative Campaign, you can send a powerful message to the left's radical mob that we are not backing down!

Let's Fight for What is Right!


We Can Win this...

Today, what is evil is considered good, and what is good is considered evil. I am not going down without a fight, and with your help, we can take a stand against a nation that is hell-bent on destroying itself. Please stand with me, Steve Shives, and let's fight for what is Right!


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Message from Steve

I know what it takes to make it in the real world, and I've worked hard to set an example for the next generation. This is not a one-man show; as your Representative, we will do this together and stand our ground in this state and our nation for the things that matter most.

I'm Stephen Shives... Let's Fight... for what's Right!

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